
Friday, November 11, 2011

Got News? How to Publish Articles in the Trident Times and Other Media

Photo from FreeDigitalPhotos
By Nicole Thomas

Do you have news to share? Have you ever wanted to write an article for a newspaper or some other publication? Well, it’s not as simple as just dropping your piece off at the front desk, but it is possible. Follow these steps to submit your piece, and you’ll be on your way to being a published writer. 

Start with a good idea. We have so much happening on our many campuses that you have many choices for topics. Attend events and then write about them. Assert your opinion about a campus issue. Write a review of a movie, book, concert, or restaurant. Report on your club's latest fundraiser. The possibilities are endless. 
  • To turn your idea into a story, begin by starting with an outline (the old-fashioned kind). Be sure to consider who will be interviewed, what the purpose of your piece is and what your reader’s benefit will be. This will serve as the foundation for your proposal or query.    
  • Write a proposal, or query. A query serves as the editor’s first look at the piece you are proposing. It also saves both you and the editor time of reading or writing a piece that will be rejected. Sometimes, an editor will offer feedback that will enable to you to produce a solid piece that can be widely submitted for consideration. Additionally, an editor may offer feedback on length, character/subject development and overall expectations, which will enable you to produce a piece that has a high likelihood of being published.
  • Contact the editor. Do not send your query to just anyone at the organization. There are specific editors for specific subject matters. To ensure that your piece does not end up in the trash can, send your query or proposal to the appropriate editor.  You can reach the Trident Times student editors through the faculty managing editor/mentor, Amber Yedinak at She will forward your email to the appropriate editor.  
  • Correspond with the editor. If the editor requires further information or has questions, do not make him or her wait. At this point, if you’ve received inquiries you’ve got your foot in the door. Make sure you respond promptly and appropriately. Being flattering or overly friendly won't get your piece considered for publication any quicker.   
  • Compose your piece. If the editor has approved your query, now is the time to write out the full version of your piece.    
  • Edit and proofread your piece. Spellcheck, consult writing guideline resources, give it to a neighbor to critique and, above all, put your best foot forward. You won’t get a “do-over.” There is no “back” button. Once you hit send, it's out of your hands. The biggest mistake a writer can make is to submit a low quality piece with grammar or spelling errors. For the Trident Times, use the Associated Press Style Guide.
  • Submit your piece. Once you have completed and redone steps 1-6, you are ready to submit. Make sure you submit before the deadline. Pieces submitted after the deadline will not be considered at all- no matter how wonderful it may be.
  • Keep your fingers and toes crossed. If the editor decides to publish your piece, you will be hearing from him or her soon. It is not considered appropriate to “follow-up” with him or her at this point. If the editor likes it, he or she will contact you regarding publication.

As Trident Tech aims to prepare students for life beyond schooling, the process for publishing in The Trident Times is very much the same as it would be for other media outlets. I hope that you have found this article helpful and are on your way to becoming a successful writer. Remember, the only way to become a writer is to write!

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