Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cat Poems

Photo by Gidion Lubbe
by Sawnte Posley
The life of a cat is a dull one.
Wake up.
Patrol the house.
And then I sit.
Right outside of my owner’s door thinking, “where is the food?”
She comes out and I follow her.
I hear the ruffling of the bag;
The sound of the food hitting the bowl.
I dig in as if it is my last meal. I prance through the house.
I climb the curtains, when imp feeling devilish.
Sometimes scratch, any and everything.
And then I lay.
On the couch.
Window sill.
Kitchen floor.
I take frequent naps.
And when I wake up,
I stretch.
I patrol the house.
And then I sit.

In the Words of My Cat
by Ali Carnevale
I am powerful and ferocious
I have caught every bird and lizard through      
 this window
All I have to do is glare and swat and all others            
collapse in fear
Don’t let my diamond bedazzled collar confuse           
It is the choker of a Warrior Princess
After I conquer all and protect my kingdom       
through this glass
I am rewarded with massages, feasts for a        
Queen, and words of endearment
I am adored by my servants and held in the      
highest respect
For my name is Pluff Mud… hear me purrrr!


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