
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Two TTC Clubs Collect Donations for Two Causes

Photo by Jodie Carmack
By Liz Hair

Two TTC campus organizations are working hard to raise goods and awareness for community groups in need. You may have noticed new collection boxes in the 100 building, room 111. Student organizations Alpha Mu Gamma and Roots and Shoots are sponsoring two service projects and collecting goods in these giant bins. This is an opportunity to help our community, near and far, in a variety of ways.   

One of the organizations being helped is Keeper of the Wild, a non-profit organization that cares for sick, injured, orphaned or displaced animals, depends upon public support and funds to accomplish its goals. Their ultimate goal is to place the animals back in their natural habitat. Founded by Janet Kinser, the organization has been serving South Carolina and wild animals in need for over 20 years. Kinser, licensed as a rehabilitator through the SC Dept. of Natural Resources, has, according to the group’s website, “made herself and her home a haven for wild animals that have nowhere to go”. In addition to taking in and rehabilitating animals, the organization presents educational programs to increase public awareness about SC wildlife.  

Photo provided
From left to right:  Former VP Glendalys DeJesus, VP Tanika Jones-Janvier,
President Courtney Carroll, Forrest Wrenn, Nicole Borrero,
Treasurer Nicole Darnell, Secretary Narong Phal
The other mission the campus organizations are supporting benefits international education. The two clubs are collecting used (or new) textbooks to take to the Philippines. Some Philippine schools only have one textbook per classroom, so any donation is appreciated. TTC’s very own Mila Brooks sends textbooks to the island nation on a regular basis. Brooks, originally from the Philippines, has been collecting books for several years to send to Leyte Normal University in Tacloban City, Philippines, where she received her master’s degree and worked for eleven years as an administrative assistant. She is also collecting books to send to an elementary school in a remote area of Tacloban City where her sister has recently begun teaching.  Books and workbooks in general education are welcome in addition to children’s books and workbooks, instructional materials, children’s drawing and coloring books, pencils and other classroom materials.

So, who are these clubs who are doing such good for others? Alpha Mu Gamma is the first and largest national collegiate foreign language honor society of the United States.  It was established on April 29, 1931 at Los Angeles City College for the purpose of honoring achievement in all foreign languages at an early stage in a student’s career.  It quickly expanded into a national organization and now has over 307 chapters in the US, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.  

TTC’s Nu Lambda chapter of Alpha Mu Gamma, established in 2004, has participated in many service projects including drives to aid tsunami victims in Japan, earthquake victims in Haiti, Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach, Trident Literacy, Jenkins Orphanage, and has sent packages to military personnel in Afghanistan. On campus AMG members often volunteer as tutors. The organization sponsors conversation hours at which any student may practice her language of choice in a low-key environment.

The other campus organization working to collect goods is Roots and Shoots.  People are always intrigued by the name Roots & Shoots. Founder Dr. Jane Goodall explains, “Roots creep underground everywhere and make a firm foundation. Shoots seem very weak, but to reach the light, they can break open brick walls. Imagine that the brick walls are all the problems we have inflicted on our planet. Hundreds of thousands of roots and shoots, hundreds of thousands of young people around the world, can break through these walls. You can change the world.” The global network is made up of thousands of members around the world, from pre-school through university, making Roots & Shoots a program that unites young people of many cultures in the effort to make the world a better place for all living things.

Roots & Shoots is a global, environmental and humanitarian education program for young people. Their mission is to foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for the environment, animals, and the human community. In addition to the collections , members plan and take part in a number of hands-on service projects. On April 27, Roots & Shoots members will participate in the YMCA’s 3rd annual Stand Against Racism, and invite other clubs to join in.

If you can help in anyway, note that boxes are located in the 100 building, room 111. The drives will end on April 13, 2012. The following is a wish list for Keepers of the Wild:

  • Children’s items:  baby toys (hard plastic and stuffed animals), Pedialite, paper towels
  • New or used household items: regular blankets, baby blankets, towels, comforters, etc.
  • New or used pet items:  snuggle safe warming discs, pet carriers (all sizes including X-large 30”)
  • Food and water bowls, Frontline/Advantage (flea and tick treatments)
  • Food:  Esbilac (formula for some mammals), dry dog and puppy food (no “Sunshine” brand, please), assorted nuts and acorns
  • Cleaning Supplies:  BLEACH and LAUNDRY DETERGENT are especially needed, Dawn dishwashing liquid, hand sanitizer, all-purpose cleaners, baby wipes, trash bags, contractor bags
  • Miscellaneous:  bungee cords, gardening tools/hose/nozzle, rubber gloves, surgical gloves, rubbing alcohol, digital scale, bottled water, buckets
  • Gift cards:  Wal-mart, K-mart, Lowes, Home Depot, pet stores and gas cards

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