
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Help Stations Running during Fall Registration (Main Campus)

Help Station in the 100 Building (photo provided)
In addition to other registration and enrollment support, Student Services on Main Campus will once again be running two “Help Stations” on certain days throughout this week and next week in order to better assist our students who are registering for fall classes. Many of these students may have holds on their accounts, questions about financial aid, questions regarding availability of FA funds at the Bookstore, paperwork to turn in, etc. We will be equipped to deal with many of these issues and to answer any questions at the Help Stations in the following locations:
•             Building 410 – across from the admissions window
•             Building 100 – beside the snack machines on the end of the building closest to the 100/300 breezeway

The table in building 100 will be especially convenient for students whose academic departments are in building 100, 300, 700, 800, or 920. This will keep the student from walking all the way over to building 410 in this summer heat  to receive these services.  And, if we cannot provide the service the student needs at the Help Station, we will do our best to direct him/her to the most appropriate resource.
We will be fully staffed at the Help Stations on the following days and times:
Monday, August 13th      (Day before Open Registration)                        8:00 am – 6:30 pm                    Buildings 410 and 100
Tuesday, August 14th      (Open Registration)                                                8:00 am – 6:30 pm                    Buildings 410 and 100
Friday, August 17th                                                                                                  8:00 am – 5:00 pm                    Building 410
Monday, August 20th      (First Day of Classes)                                              8:00 am – 6:30 pm                    Buildings 410 and 100
Friday, August 24th          (Drop/Add, Fee Payment Deadline)                8:00 am – 6:30 pm                    Building 410
Also, we will have someone staffing the Help Station in building 410 on August 15, 16, 21, 22, and 23 from 8:00-6:30 each day.
In addition to Student Services-specific questions and concerns, we will also be equipped to print student schedules, provide copies of OnCourse, and offer general directions to different buildings and departments on campus.

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