
Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Written By: Kim Kovavich

Do you ever drink more than you intended?
Have you ever been unable to remember part of the previous evening, even though your friends say you didn't pass out?
When drinking with other people, do you try to have a few extra drinks when others won't know about it?
Have you tried switching brands or drinks, or following different plans to control your drinking?
These are only a few of the questions which can be found in an on-line test used to determine the probability that drinking has become a problem in someone's life. Do not beat yourself up if you answered yes to any of them. Alcoholism is not due to a character weakness; it does not mean you are inferior. Caroline Lane, a friend well versed in this illness states, "I believe alcoholism is a disease, not a choice."
We've all done it. We wake up in the morning hung over and regretting the previous night's activities. A holiday party, a get together with friends, or that last minute decision to forget the stressful events of the day are all examples of the occasional reasons to tie-one-on. Once in a while, these moments are expected, even cathartic, but when do these moments in life begin to be reasons for concern?
Although each individual is different, there are many general symptoms of alcoholism that can give a wide array of individual’s insight into the chance that they may have a problem with alcohol. Intervention treatment websites  contain such symptoms and questions as to whether a person's drinking habits have become problematic.
1. You drink to de-stress.
2. You repeatedly neglect your responsibilities.
3. You use alcohol in dangerous situations.
4. You have legal problems due to drinking.
5. You continue to drink despite relationship problems.
Science has proven that some people are genetically predisposed to becoming an alcoholic. Other people become dependent simply because they are trying to change the way they feel due to stressful events or traumatic experiences in their lives. Jordon Stoop, fellow student and friend had this to say concerning alcoholism, "To me it's when, instead of going out and doing anything in general, you would rather stay at home and drink, or when you use it to mask your pain".
In a random survey conducted of 10 fellow Trident students and teachers, 50% answered yes to all of the questions found at the beginning of this article. This disease is far more problematic than we want to admit and an alcoholic is not limited to that homeless person sleeping in the park or under a bridge, with a brown paper bag. 
If you or anyone you know is struggling with this illness, there is help out there; you are not alone.

"The first step toward recovery from alcoholism is the recognition that a problem exists. Once the problem drinker breaks through denial and admits to having a problem, a range of treatment options become available".  Jeffrey S. Neird, Health in the New Millennium

Charleston Recovery Center is located in West Ashley of Charleston and is a 90-day, AA, spiritual program which concentrates on addressing a three part illness of the body, mind, and spirit. If interested, please call Directors Ronnie Byers at 843-270-1588 or Annie Blanton at 843-607-3571.  This program works! And if it can work for me, I know it can work for you...

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