
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Your Opinion Matters!

By: Mary Kiser
       On November 4, 2008, the first African-American president was elected into the White House. This was, and still is, one of the greatest feats against racism that the United States had ever experienced. President Barack Obama was on a mission to save this country from what could’ve resulted in a second Depression and the constant iron grip of the Iraq War. During his time in office, he has accumulated more than several achievements to showcase for it. He signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010, repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” increased the 2010-2011 Department of Veterans Affairs budget by at least ten percent, and signed the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act in 2009. These are only a few out of at least fifty accomplishments that he and his team have made possible during his first and second terms.
     However, another man or possibly a woman will resume the presidency with (hopefully) even more vigor, verve, and vivacity than the U.S. and its’ citizens have ever seen before. Either he or she will be responsible for our country’s next phase of development. But before President Obama becomes the lame duck, somebody else will have to succeed him. And that’s where you come in.
     Don’t just sit, wait, and sit some more while you can still apply for it. Get your Voter ID! It’s not only important but absolutely essential if you want to be able to vote for your favorite politician in the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election. After all, if you weren’t a fan of President Obama’s policies, then what better way to prove it by voting for somebody completely different? If you think that your vote doesn’t matter because you’re too young, party too much, or are too lazy, you’re wrong. It does matter, and sometimes it can take just one vote to make the difference. If you’re still not convinced, look up the 1876 Presidential Election.

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